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Gaara X Reader: Promise? (discontinued) - ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

As young kids, Gaara and y/n had known each other for their entire lives.

When Gaara had took y/n home, he went to the roof clutching the spot where his heart was.

After the traumatic events, he had lost control allowing Shukaku to slip out. Before his father could do anything, y/n talked some sense into him. His father saw her as a weakness and banned her from the Village of the Sand.

Before all that happened though Gaara had asked her a question. "Promise me something."

"What is it Gaara?"

"Will you marry me when we're older?"



"Pinky promise."

//Very short chapters from now on. Sorry.

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Autor: ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Etiquetas: