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1976 - Tenele Zwane

"Nothing can intervene a heart that knows what it wants." -quote from the book.

Johannesburg, South Africa, 1976 during the darkest period in South African history. Where Race determines your lifestyle : black maids, caretakers and handymen are ill-paid to raise white children and tend to white houses, but from which their services are no longer needed after dark.

eighteen-year-old Nolwazi Ndlovu, born in the township, Soweto, finds herself working in the city of gold (Johannesburg) to provide for her family. Just when she thought working for Mr and Mrs Muller had its own challenges, the sudden arrival of their son, Henri, makes for a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences.

As Henri and Nolwazi fall deeply inlove, they soon begin to realize that following your heart has its own consequences. And when a Tragic uprising erupts in Nolwazi's hometown, their relationship is truly put to the test of time and loss.

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